Helping you care for a friend or family member with mental illness navigate the NDIS.
Ready to start navigating the NDIS? Sign up online today.
What is Carer Coach?
Carer Coach is a five module training series that Arafmi has developed to help mental health carers and the people they care for navigate the NDIS. Carer Coach is being delivered through face-to-face workshops, booklets and online.
Carer Coach brings together information from a range of quality NDIS resources relevant to mental health carers. This information has been combined with the invaluable knowledge Arafmi’s frontline workers have developed through supporting people through the NDIS process, to provide carers with accurate and easily accessible information.
Who is it for?
Carer Coach is free for anyone who cares for or about a friend or family member with a psychosocial disability who wants to learn more about the NDIS. It is specifically tailored to the unique needs and challenges of mental health carers and the people they care for.
The Modules

Module 1:
A brief introduction to the NDIS and mental illness

Module 2:
Making an NDIS application

Module 3:
Getting ready for the planning meeting

Module 4:
Supporting someone to make the most of their NDIS plan

Module 5:
Preparing for a plan review
“This is really helpful information, I did not know most of this even though I have attended NDIS training and information sessions before”
“Very straightforward and factual”
“Very helpful to know that we need to be aware of what questions to ask and what not to say”